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Build a Java Task Worker


Maven Dependency



implementation 'com.swiftconductor.conductor:conductor-common:3.16.0'
implementation 'com.swiftconductor.conductor:conductor-client:3.16.0'
implementation 'com.swiftconductor.conductor:conductor-java-sdk:3.16.0'

Implementing the Worker

To create a worker, implement the AbstractWorker interface.

public class SampleWorker implements AbstractWorker {

    private final String taskDefName;

    public SampleWorker(String taskDefName) {
        this.taskDefName = taskDefName;

    public String getTaskDefName() {
        return taskDefName;

    public TaskResult execute(Task task) {
        TaskResult result = new TaskResult(task);

        // Register the output of the task
        result.getOutputData().put("outputKey1", "value");
        result.getOutputData().put("oddEven", 1);
        result.getOutputData().put("mod", 4);

        return result;

The getTaskDefName() method returns the name of the task for which this worker provides the execution logic.

Worker's core implementation logic goes in the execute method. Upon completion, set the TaskResult with status as one of the following:

  1. COMPLETED: If the task has completed successfully.
  2. FAILED: If there are failures - business or system failures. Based on the task's configuration, when a task fails, it may be retried.

See for the complete example.

Running Workers via WorkerHost

The WorkerHost can be used to register the worker(s) and initialize the polling loop. It manages the task workers thread pool and server communication (poll and task update).

Use the Builder to create an instance of WorkerHost.

// Point this to the server API
TaskClient taskClient = new TaskClient();

// number of threads used to execute workers.  
// To avoid starvation, this should be same or more than number of workers
int threadCount = 2;            

Worker worker1 = new SampleWorker("task_1");
Worker worker2 = new SampleWorker("task_2");

// Create WorkerHost
WorkerHost host = new WorkerHost.Builder(taskClient, Arrays.asList(worker1, worker2))

// Start the polling and execution of tasks

See Sample for full example.

Worker Configuration

Initialize the Builder with the following:

Parameter Description
TaskClient TaskClient used to communicate with the Conductor server
Workers Workers that will be used for polling work and task execution.
Parameter Description Default
withEurekaClient EurekaClient is used to identify if the server is in discovery or not. When the server goes out of discovery, the polling is stopped unless pollOutOfDiscovery is set to true. If passed null, discovery check is not done. provided by platform
withThreadCount Number of threads assigned to the workers. Should be at-least the size of taskWorkers to avoid starvation in a busy system. Number of registered workers
withSleepWhenRetry Time in milliseconds, for which the thread should sleep when task update call fails, before retrying the operation. 500
withUpdateRetryCount Number of attempts to be made when updating task status when update status call fails. 3
withWorkerNamePrefix String prefix that will be used for all the workers. workflow-worker-

Once an instance is created, call init() method to initialize the WorkerProcess and begin the polling and execution of tasks.


To ensure that the WorkerHost stops polling for tasks when the instance becomes unhealthy, call the provided shutdown() hook in a PreDestroy block.

Worker Properties

The worker behavior can be further controlled by using these properties:

Property Type Description Default
paused boolean If set to true, the worker stops polling. false
pollInterval int Interval in milliseconds at which the server should be polled for tasks. 1000
pollOutOfDiscovery boolean If set to true, the instance will poll for tasks regardless of the discovery status. This is useful while running on a dev machine. false

Further, these properties can be set either by a AbstractWorker implementation or by setting the following system properties in the JVM:

Name Description
conductor.worker.<property> Applies to ALL the workers in the JVM.
conductor.worker.<taskDefName>.<property> Applies to the specified worker. Overrides the global property.