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Running using Docker

In this article we will explore how you can set up Conductor on your local machine using Docker compose.


  1. Docker:
  2. Recommended host with CPU and RAM to be able to run multiple docker containers (at-least 16GB RAM)

Swift Conductor Core


git clone

Build image

cd conductor/docker

docker-compose build


Use docker-compose to bring up the local server:

docker-compose up --detach

The docker compose will bring up the following containers:

  1. Swift Conductor Core Server
  2. Redis for database and task queue
  3. Elasticsearch v6 for searching workflows

You can open the server URL in your browser to verify that they are running correctly:

Swift Conductor CE

CE == Community Edition


git clone

Build image

cd conductor-community/docker

docker-compose --file docker-compose-redis.yaml build


Use docker-compose to bring up the local server:

Docker Compose Description
docker-compose-redis.yaml Redis + Elasticsearch 7, Redis database, Redis queue, ElasticSearch index
docker-compose-postgres.yaml Postgres + Elasticsearch 7, Postgress database, Redis queue, ElasticSearch index
docker-compose-mysql.yaml Mysql + Elasticsearch 7, MySql database, Redis queue, ElasticSearch index

For example this will start the server instance backed by a Redis database, Redis queue, and ElasticSearch index.

docker-compose --file docker-compose-redis.yaml up --detach

The docker compose will bring up the following containers:

  1. Swift Conductor CE Server
  2. Swift Conductor UI
  3. Redis for database and task queue
  4. Elasticsearch v7 for searching workflows

You can open the Server and UI URLs in your browser to verify that they are running correctly:

Monitoring with Prometheus

Start Prometheus only:

docker-compose --file docker-compose-prometheus.yaml up --detach


Start Prometheus and Grafana (optional):

docker-compose --file docker-compose-prometheus-grafana.yaml up --detach

Open Prometheus - http://localhost:9090 and Grafana - http://localhost:3000 in your browser (use admin / admin to login to Grafana).