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Inline Task

"type": "INLINE"

The INLINE task helps execute necessary logic at workflow runtime, using an evaluator. There are two supported evaluators as of now:


The INLINE task is configured by specifying the following keys inside inputParameters, along side any other input values required for the evaluation.


Name Type Description Notes
evaluatorType String Type of the evaluator. Supported evaluators: value-param, javascript which evaluates javascript expression. Must be non-empty.
expression String Expression associated with the type of evaluator. For javascript evaluator, Javascript evaluation engine is used to evaluate expression defined as a string. Must return a value. Must be non-empty.

Besides expression, any value is accessible as $.value for the expression to evaluate.


Name Type Description
result Map Contains the output returned by the evaluator based on the expression


Example 1

  "name": "INLINE_TASK",
  "taskReferenceName": "inline_test",
  "type": "INLINE",
  "inputParameters": {
      "inlineValue": "${workflow.input.inlineValue}",
      "evaluatorType": "javascript",
      "expression": "function scriptFun(){if ($.inlineValue == 1){ return {testvalue: true} } else { return
      {testvalue: false} }} scriptFun();"

The task output can then be referenced in downstream tasks using an expression: "${inline_test.output.result.testvalue}"


The JavaScript evaluator accepts JS code written to the ECMAScript 5.1(ES5) standard

Example 2

Perhaps a weather API sometimes returns Celcius, and sometimes returns Farenheit temperature values. This task ensures that the downstream tasks ONLY receive Celcius values:

  "name": "INLINE_TASK",
  "taskReferenceName": "inline_test",
  "type": "INLINE",
  "inputParameters": {
      "scale": "${workflow.input.tempScale}",
        "temperature": "${workflow.input.temperature}",
      "evaluatorType": "javascript",
      "expression": "function SIvaluesOnly(){if ($.scale === "F"){ centigrade = ($.temperature -32)*5/9; return {temperature: centigrade} } else { return 
      {temperature: $.temperature} }} SIvaluesOnly();"